Renaissance School

Annual Award Ceremony for the Young Achievers of Primary Wing

Annual Award Ceremony for the Young Achievers of Primary Wing

Annual Award Ceremony for the Young Achievers of Primary Wing

Education is not the learning of facts but the training of mind to think. Education is what makes a big difference in a child’s life. The aim of education is not only imparting knowledge but the aim is also about nurturing their talents, helping them grow so that they are better equipped to face new challenges of life and are able to contribute to the world meaningfully. We at Renaissance believe, “Every child has the right to be respected, the right to be loved and cared for, the right to be acknowledged the right to be valued, the right to be nurtured and dream for a better future.” As every child is unique and is born with some innate talent so it is our responsibility to provide them with ample opportunities and support their learning journey in such a way that every child feels acknowledged and cherished. To celebrate the uniqueness of each and every child, to appreciate and honour the talent, the skill and the diversity Renaissance school hosted an award ceremony for the young achievers of Primary Wing who made both the school as well as their parents proud in the academic session 2022-23. On this occasion the presence of our Senior Administrator Vishwas Sharma was highly inspiring for our students and staff. The students were given certificates, medals and trophies for their academic excellence, 100% attendance and for their achievements in Olympiad exams. The toppers of all the classes were awarded with a special trophy and a certificate. As it is rightly said that, Success is not achieved in a day. It is the hard work, perseverance and focused approach which helps in achieving the success and this is evident from the efforts of our student Ansh Pratap Singh who bagged the award for being the “Best Student” in the academic session 2022-23. The Khorana House bagged the trophy of “Best House” for achieving excellence in various events held in the academic year 2022-23. The students and teachers were highly appreciated by our Senior Administrator Sir for their achievements. The event culminated with the motivational words from our Headmistress Ms. Bhawna Bhardwaj who emphasized on the importance of discipline, regularity and hard work in life to achieve success.

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