Heads of Schools Affiliated to CBSE
National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) is launching Pariksha Parv 2.0. The D.O. letter by Chairperson, NCPCR, is annexed. Schools may access the following links for various activities being conducted by NCPCR for making exams a joyful activity:
i. https://ncpcr.gov.in/index1.php?lang=1&level=1&&sublinkid=1928&lid=1820.
ii. https://ncpcr.gov.in/index1.php?lang=1&level=0&linkid=113&lid=1879.
Further, the following may be taken up by schools:
- The information about the Pariksha Parv should be displayed on the Notice Board and website of Schools.
- Parents, School Management Committees (SMC) members and Parent-Teacher Association (PTAs) should be informed. The same should also be announced by school during morning assembly.
- Students, parents and teachers must be encouraged to join NCPCR’s live streaming session to address their queries pertaining to examination stress at https://twitter.com/NCPCR_ and https://www.facebook.com/NCPCR.Official.
- Follow NCPCR’s website (https://ncpcr.gov.in/), Twitter account (https://twitter.com/NCPCR_), and Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/NCPCR.Official/) for further updates and publish the same on your website/social media accounts.
Kindly refer to the D.O. letter No. 2801/25/2020/Media/NCPCR/14447 dated 27.12.19 annexed for more details.