It is our responsibility to take care of Mother Earth. It is our responsibility to handover Mother Earth in a healthier shape for our future generations.
We are part of the Earth and it is her great generosity that we are nurtured and nourished.
The question arises, “Are we responsible enough to take care of our Mother Earth?” The harsh reality is our belief that someone else will save it, someone else will take care of it and this very thought is the greatest threat to our Mother Earth. “The earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs but not every man’s greed”. Isn’t it a question to ponder for one and all?
Earth Day Celebration is all about awareness, making promises, to make our earth happier, healthier and greener planet for generations to come. Our aware, responsible, reflective thinkers put up a thought- provoking performance to raise the plight of the planet and the dire need for all to rise up in action.
What could be better than an inter-house ‘Nukkad Natak’ presentation to put across a solemn thought in a simple manner by communicating and conveying the message loud and clear for all to think, reflect and change for the betterment of our own lives and for generations to come.
The culmination of this action- oriented initiative was done through a mesmerising dance performance, “Chhoti si chirayia” depicting the plight of a little bird who is fighting for its survival due to Climate Change, Deforestation, Loss of habitat, Invasive Species.
The event was highly appreciated by our Senior Administrator Sir Mr. Vishwas Sharma. Our Headmistress Ms. Bhawna Bhardwaj appreciated this initiative of our Renaissanceans for their commitment to protect the environment through responsible action and dedicated contribution to save our Mother Earth.